Except the High Places

And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done, except that the high places were not removed; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places. (2 King 15:3-4)

These words concern a king over Judah named Azariah (2 Kings 15:1-2). He was also called Uzziah in 2 Kings 15:13 and many other places in 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and the writings of the prophet Isaiah. Azariah (Uzziah) was a good king – he did what was right in the sight of the LORD. The blessing of the LORD was on this king, and he was rewarded with a long reign of 52 years.

except the high places

Azariah came to the throne in a difficult time. When his father Amaziah died, Jerusalem was in chaos. A significant section of the city’s wall was destroyed. The palace was emptied of many of its treasures, and some people of Judah had been seized by enemies as hostages.

Considering all that, it’s amazing to see what a good king Azariah was, and how much he accomplished. 2 Chronicles 26 tells us more about the successful reign of Uzziah (Azariah):

– He began his reign when he was only 16 years old (2 Chronicles 26:3).
– He reigned during the ministry of Zechariah the prophet (2 Chronicles 26:5).
– He defeated the Philistines and took many of their cities, and also kept the Ammonites in tribute to Judah (2 Chronicles 26:6-8).
– He was internationally famous as a strong king (2 Chronicles 26:8).
– He was an ambitious builder and skilled in agriculture (2 Chronicles 26:9-10).
– He built up and organized the army, introducing several new items of military technology (2 Chronicles 26:11-15).

It’s easy to look at the reign of Azariah and think he was one of the best kings of Judah, because he did so much good. However, the Bible goes on to say that the reign of Azariah didn’t end well. The seeds for that bad end were sowed much earlier in his life. We see it in 2 Kings 15:4: except that the high places were not removed. Notice that word: except.

As with Jehoash (2 Kings 12:3) and Amaziah (2 Kings 14:4), the reforms of Azariah did not reach far enough. Each of these kings stopped short of removing the high places, these traditional places of sacrifice to the LORD. We could say that these idolatrous high places were King Azariah’s except – what’s yours?

Many of us have an except in our life. God has done much in our life, and we walk in a generally faithful way. None of us is perfect, and every day we stand before God not in our own faithfulness, but in what Jesus did for us on the cross. Yet, there is something wrong when we know in our heart that we hide an except that God wants to deal with.

Confess your “except” to God, receive His forgiveness for Jesus’ sake, and leave it at the cross.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 15

Together In His Name

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

Did you get to preach or teach God’s Word this last weekend? If you did get that privilege, you might be a little drained today. If it is done right, preaching and teaching the Bible will take something out of you. It’s not only a giving of God’s truth, it is also a giving of one’s self.

Here is an encouraging word from Jesus: 

For where two or three are
gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.
(Matthew 18:20)

In my last email to you we thought about the first few words of this wonderful verse, Matthew 18:20: Where two or three are gathered. Now let’s think about the next few words: are gathered together in My name.

together his name

As always, we want to remember the context of this encouraging word from Jesus. Our Savior said this in the context of speaking about order and even correction among God’s people (Matthew 18:15-18). Jesus promised to be among His people, and that His presence would give them the authority to confront and correct.

Still, we can’t miss what Jesus said: that His people should be gathered together in His name. Even it if is only a few (two or three), if they are gathered together in His name, it’s a precious gathering to Jesus. We could say that the most important thing isn’t so much gathering together – people do that all the time. The most important thing is gathering together in Jesus’ name.

Gathering together in His name means that we are known by Jesus and by His name. We belong to Jesus, and we aren’t afraid to proclaim it. It doesn’t matter if the culture or a government thinks we are foolish or dangerous for meeting in Jesus’ name; we love to gather together in His name.

Gathering together in His name means that Jesus is our point of gathering; we gather around Him. What draws us together and keeps us together is Jesus. It isn’t race, class, political party, or ethnic group. We gather around Jesus, the real Jesus revealed in the Bible.

Gathering together in His name means gathering according to the character and nature of Jesus. Our meetings, our church services, our Bible studies, and Sunday school classes are of such a character that Jesus would endorse them. They are consistent with the love, wisdom, character, and holiness of Jesus.

Isn’t it wonderful to gather in the name of Jesus? And, if God has given you the responsibility for leading, organizing, or teaching when God’s people are gathered together, I pray that God will give you the grace and the wisdom to always do it truly in the name of Jesus!

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

Click Here to Receive Email from David for Pastors, Preachers, and Bible Teachers

Unnötige Probleme

Und Joas, der König von Israel, nahm Amazja, den König von Juda, den Sohn des Joas, des Sohnes Ahasjas, bei Beth-Schemesch gefangen; und er kam nach Jerusalem und riß die Stadtmauern ein, vom Tor Ephraim bis zum Ecktor, auf 400 Ellen Länge. Und er nahm alles Gold und Silber und alle Geräte, die sich im Haus des Herrn und in den Schätzen im Haus des Königs fanden, dazu Geiseln, und kehrte wieder nach Samaria zurück. (2. Könige 14,13-14)

Amazja war der König von Juda, das Königreich der zwei südlichen Stämme der Nachkommen Israels. Eigentlich war er ein guter und gottgefälliger König (2. Könige 14,3). Die Bibel erzählt uns von seinem Gehorsam und seinen großen Siegen. Doch er schuf sich selbst unnötige Probleme, und in 2. Könige 14,13-14 lesen wir, was die Konsequenzen seiner Dummheit waren

unnecessary trouble

Amazja griff törichterweise den König von Israel an, das Königreich der zehn nördlichen Stämme. Durch diesen dummen und unnötigen Angriff auf seine Brüder im Norden nahm Joas, der König von Israel, gefangen, und er verlor seine Freiheit und wurde eine Zeit lang der Gefangene des Königs von Israel.

Joas hatte Amazja gewarnt (2. Könige 14,8-11), aber der hörte nicht. Er fragte Amazja: „warum willst das Unheil herausfordern?“ (2. Könige 25,19). Vielleicht wollte er nicht hören, weil seine Armee kampferprobt und mächtig war. Doch Gott gewährte Israel den Sieg über Juda, um den Götzendienst Amazjas zu bestrafen. 2. Chronik 25,20 sagt uns, dass dies passierte, weil Amazja die Götter von Edom anbetete.

Also ging Joas nach Jerusalem und riß die Stadtmauern ein. Das waren unnötige Probleme. Wegen seinem törichten Angriff musste Amazja zusehen, wie die Verteidigungsmauern von Jerusalem niedergerissen wurden. Sie verloren nicht nur die Schlacht, sondern sie waren auch gegen zukünftige Angriffe nicht mehr gut gewappnet.

Als Joas nach Jerusalem kam, nahm er alles Gold und Silber. Das waren unnötige Probleme. Wegen seinem törichten Angriff, verlor Amazja den Schatz von Gottes Volk. Amazja war nicht weise genug, um zu überblicken, dass eine Niederlage nicht nur ihm, sondern auch anderen wehtun würde.

Es ging sogar so weit, dass Geiseln mit nach Samaria genommen wurden. Das waren unnötige Probleme. Amazja traf die Entscheidung Israel anzugreifen, doch der Preis für den törichten Angriff musste das ganze Königreich Juda bezahlen. Dies ist eine ernste Warnung an alle Leiter, dass sie sich bewusst sein müssen, dass ihre dummen Entscheidungen unnötige Probleme für sich und viele andere bedeuten.

Amazja hörte die Warnung: „warum willst du das Unheil herausfordern?“ Er hörte es, doch er wollte nicht hören. Viele von uns gehen in dieselbe Falle. Wir fordern unnötige Probleme heraus und verletzen nicht nur uns selbst, sondern auch die, die uns nahe stehen.

Der Name Amazja bedeutet „Stärke Jahwes.“ Aber 2. Chronik 25,11 erzählt uns „Amazja stärkte sich selbst.“ Wenn du deine Kraft in dir selbst suchst, wirst du Probleme kriegen und nicht in der Lage sein, dich selbst zu retten. Erinnere dich stattdessen an die Bedeutung von dem Namen Jesus: „Jahwe ist Rettung.“ Wenn wir auf Jesus vertrauen, ist Gott unsere Stärke und Weisheit und rettet uns vor unnötigen Problemen.


Surprising Mercy

He restored the territory of Israel from the entrance of Hamath to the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which He had spoken through His servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet who was from Gath Hepher. For the LORD saw that the affliction of Israel was very bitter; and whether bond or free, there was no helper for Israel. And the LORD did not say that He would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven; but He saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash. (2 Kings 14:25-27)

These verses tell us about the reign of Jeroboam, king of Israel. 2 Kings 14:24 tells us that “he did evil in the sight of the LORD.” Yet, we can see three surprising things through what God did in the days of Jeroboam.

surprising blessing

First, we see a surprising prophet: According to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which He had spoken through His servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet. This is almost certainly the same Jonah who was famous for his missionary trip to Nineveh. Apparently, he also had a ministry among his own people, not only in Nineveh as recorded in the book of Jonah. It’s good to remember that God did much more through these ancient prophets than we commonly think.

Second, we see the faithfulness of God: the LORD did not say that He would blot out the name of Israel. Even though Israel had been unfaithful to God many times, He would not stop being faithful to them. He worked through even an ungodly man like Jeroboam to rescue them when there was no helper for Israel.

Finally, we see the surprising mercy of God: He restored the territory of Israel…for the LORD saw that the affliction of Israel was very bitter. Out of great mercy, God showed kindness to a disobedient Israel ruled by an evil king. This merciful restoration came in many ways. Israel regained lost territory, and they also enjoyed a great season of prosperity.

This is confirmed by archaeology. Digs of ancient Israelite cities show how in Jeroboam’s reign they built bigger houses with more luxuries. When Israel deserved destruction and deprivation, God gave surprising mercy through the wicked king Jeroboam. But the book of Amos shows that Israel did not handle this prosperity well, and the wickedness they showed under the prosperity of Jeroboam II actually built up more judgment against them.

Friends, God has shown us great mercy – surprising mercy – in Jesus Christ. He has forgiven our sins and restored us to relationship with Him, because of what Jesus did on the cross. God has restored territory taken from you by the world, the flesh, and the devil and God has prospered you in many ways.

How will you respond to His surprising mercy? Please remember to submit to God and honor Him when He shows great mercy to you.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 14

Unnecessary Trouble

Then Jehoash king of Israel captured Amaziah king of Judah…and [Jehoash] went to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem…. And he took all the gold and silver, all the articles that were found in the house of the LORD and in the treasuries of the king’s house, and hostages, and returned to Samaria. (2 Kings 14:13-14)

Amaziah was the king of Judah, the realm of the two southern tribes of the descendants of Israel. In general, he was a good and godly king (2 Kings 14:3). The Bible tells us of his obedience and great victories. Yet he also fell into unnecessary trouble, and 2 Kings 14:13-14 give us the consequences of his foolishness.

unnecessary trouble

Amaziah foolishly attacked the king of Israel, the realm of the ten northern tribes. Because of his foolish, unnecessary attack on his northern brothers, Jehoash king of Israel captured Amaziah and he lost his freedom and for a time became a prisoner of the king of Israel. 

Jehoash warned Amaziah (2 Kings 14:8-11) but he would not listen. He asked Amaziah, “why should you meddle with trouble so that you fall?” (2 Chronicles 14:10) Maybe he would not listen because his army was battle-tested and mighty. Yet, God gave Israel the victory over Judah to rebuke the idolatry of Amaziah. 2 Chronicles 25:20 tells us it was because Amaziah started worshipping the gods of Edom.

So king Jehoash went to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem. This was unnecessary trouble. Because of his foolish attack, Amaziah saw the defenses of Jerusalem broken down. Not only did they lose the battle, but they were also weaker against future attacks. 

When Joash came to Jerusalem, he took all the gold and silver. This was unnecessary trouble. Because of his foolish attack, Amaziah lost the treasure of God’s people. Amaziah didn’t have the wisdom to see how losing this battle would hurt others as well as himself. 

This even extended to hostages who were taken from Jerusalem to Samaria. This was unnecessary trouble. Amaziah made the decision to attack Israel, but the cost of the foolish attack was paid by the whole kingdom of Judah. This is a sober warning to all leaders, to consider how their foolish decisions bring unnecessary trouble to many other people. 

Amaziah heard the warning, “why should you meddle with trouble so that you fall?” He heard it, but he didn’t listen. Many of us fall into the same trap. We meddle with a lot of unnecessary trouble that we should leave alone, and it hurts not only us but others close to us.

The name “Amaziah” means, “Strength of Yahweh.” But 2 Chronicles 25:11 tells us, “Amaziah strengthened himself.” When you find your strength in yourself, you will eventually find yourself in trouble, unable to save yourself. Instead, remember the meaning of Jesus’ name: “Yahweh is Salvation.” As we trust in Jesus, God is our strength and wisdom, saving us from many unnecessary troubles.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 14


Und er sprach: Nimm die Pfeile! Und als der sie nahm, sprach er zum König von Israel: Schlage auf die Erde! Da schlug er dreimal und hielt inne. Da wurde der Mann Gottes zornig über ihn und sprach: Wenn du fünf- oder sechsmal geschlagen hättest, dann hättest du die Aramäer bis zur Vernichtung geschlagen; nun aber wirst du die Aramäer nur dreimal schlagen! (2. Könige 13,18-19)

Der König von Israel war bei dem sterbenden Propheten Elisa, und Elisa sagte ihm, er solle einige Pfeile aus dem Fenster in Richtung der Feinde Israels, Syrien, schießen. Damit wollte Elisa die Verbindung zwischen dem Abschießen der Pfeile und der Möglichkeit eines Sieges über die Syrische Armee darstellen. Jeder Pfeil stand für eine gewonnene Schlacht, der HERR rettete Israel vor Syrien.

Shooting Arrows

Aber als König Joas die Gelegenheit hatte, die Verheißung Gottes in Anspruch zu nehmen und damit viel zu gewinnen, schoß er nur drei Pfeile und hörte dann auf. Er verstand nicht, was er hätte haben können – dass jeder Pfeil einen Sieg im Kampf gegen die Syrer repräsentierte, und dass er die Aufforderung des Propheten kühner hätte angehen sollen.

Weil König Joas diesen strategischen Moment nicht nutzte, wurde der Mann Gottes zornig über ihn. Der Prophet Elisa wurde zornig, denn nun würde Israel nur drei Siege über die Syrische Armee erlangen, anstatt vieler mehr, die sie hätten haben können.

Es gibt viele Situationen, in denen wir „weiterschießen“ sollten, aber wir sind mit nur einem kleinen Erfolg zufrieden. Gott möchte, dass wir vorwärts gehen, doch wir halten uns zurück. Also, halt dich nicht zurück!

  • Schieß weiter im Kampf gegen die Sünde.
  • Schieß weiter im Erwerben von Wissen über den Glauben.
  • Schieß weiter im Erlangen von Glauben.
  • Schieß weiter um mehr für das Reich Gottes zu tun.
  • Schieß weiter, denn die Welt, das Fleisch und der Teufel werden auch nicht aufhören auf dich zu schießen.

Wenn Gott uns einlädt, etwas im Glauben zu tun, sollten wir das mutig in Angriff nehmen und Gott damit ehren, dass wir nicht versagen und alles annehmen, was Er uns geben möchte. Wir sollten Ihn bitten in dem Wissen, dass Er ein großer König und Geber ist, der durch mutige und ehrfürchtige Bitten geehrt wird.

Joas mag viele Entschuldigungen gehabt haben; doch keine davon war berechtigt.

  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil ich nicht vermessen sein wollte und um zu viel bitten wollte.“
  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil ich kein guter Schütze bin.“
  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil Elisa mir nicht mehr geholfen hat.“
  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil ich drei für genug hielt.“
  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil ich nicht dachte, dass das gut sei.“
  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil ich keine Lust mehr hatte. Ich war nicht in der Stimmung.“
  • „Ich habe aufgehört zu schießen, weil ich nicht übertreiben wollte.“

Brüder und Schwestern, wenn Gott eine Tür öffnet oder dir eine Gelegenheit gibt, mach das Beste daraus. „Schieß weiter“ bis Gott sagt, du kannst aufhören!

Two or Three

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

I hope your weekend was blessed, and if God gave you the opportunity to teach or preach His Word, I hope it was both enjoyable and effective!

Today I want to remind you of some familiar words from Jesus:

For where two or three are
gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.
(Matthew 18:20)

This wonderful, encouraging statement from Jesus comes in the context of speaking about order and even correction among God’s people (Matthew 18:15-18). It’s as if Jesus said, “When God’s people are gathered in community, I am among them, and My presence grants the authority to confront and correct.”

Two or Three

Yet, the distinctive way Jesus said this gives us a lot to think about. Let’s think about the first part of Matthew 18:20: Where two or three are gathered. With these words Jesus here indicated that meetings of His people – indeed, meetings full of power and authority connected to heaven – do not need to be large gatherings. Those gatherings can be of two or three of His followers at a time. 

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Jesus is more present among the many than He is among the few. There is usually a greater sense of excitement and anticipation when more people gather. It’s easy for a small gathering to seem unimpressive. But Jesus doesn’t think so. He says, “Two or three are plenty enough for Me to be there.”

Think of what this means:

• This shows us that large numbers are not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the status of the people is not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the particular place is not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the particular time is not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the particular form the meeting should take is not essential for Jesus to be present.

Now, I must say, I would rather reach more people with God’s message than less people. It’s wonderful when God gives us the opportunity to preach or teach the Bible to many people. But remember that Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered.” He doesn’t despise the small meeting, and neither should we. If Jesus graces a small meeting with His presence, then it isn’t a small meeting at all. Nothing is small or insignificant when the King of Kings attends.

If you reach many people with God’s Word, be thankful for it. If you reach few, be thankful for those two or three or however many. Most of all, be thankful that you teach and preach in the presence of Jesus. That’s enough for any of us!

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

Click Here to Receive Email from David for Pastors, Preachers, and Bible Teachers

Life from a Tomb

Then Elisha died, and they buried him. And the raiding bands from Moab invaded the land in the spring of the year. So it was, as they were burying a man, that suddenly they spied a band of raiders; and they put the man in the tomb of Elisha; and when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet. (2 Kings 13:20-21)

Elisha became sick, the illness ran its course, and Elisha died. He was not carried up into heaven the way his mentor Elijah was. That was not God’s plan or will for Elisha. Like countless others before and after him, Elisha simply became old, sick, and then died. Then they buried him.

Life from Tombs

Some time after Elisha was buried, a strange thing happened. As some Israelites were burying a man, a group of violent thieves (raiders) came upon them. In a hurry, they put the man in the tomb of Elisha. Now for the strange thing: When the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet.

This is one of the more unusual miracles in the Bible. There is no explanation about how or why this happened, and this silence suggests that there was no magic in the bones of Elisha to bring anyone else to life. If there was, there would be a long line of people bringing their dead loved ones to Elisha’s tomb! Instead, this was a unique, one-time miracle to bring honor to the memory of this great prophet. 

As such, this passage should never be used as an excuse for the superstitious practice of the veneration (or worship) of relics. In churches all over the world, there are what are claimed to be the bones or bits of this or that saint, or pieces of the cross, or whatever. These should be regarded as frauds that invite idolatry.

As well, this passage should never be used as an excuse for the bizarre practice of laying upon or touching the graves of men or women of God from the past, thinking that some kind of magical power can come through such contact.

As Adam Clarke wrote, “This is the first, and I believe the last, account of a true miracle performed by the bones of a dead man.” The strange incident of 2 Kings 13:20-21 was the beginning and the end of it.

Yet, there are two wonderful points of application. First, we can also be brought to life by our contact with these dead prophets — not through their bones, but through their words. Read what God gave us through the apostles and prophets; read God’s word. God brings the dead to life through a word.

Second, remember there is a tomb that brings life — but this is the empty tomb of Jesus, risen from the dead. We’re grateful that there are no bones in the tomb of Jesus, and that in Him we are promised eternal life.


Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 13