Speaking Schedule David

If you would like to invite David to speak at your church or event, please click on this link and fill out the form: SPEAKING REQUEST

January 31 – February 2Marriage Retreat with Paul and Virginia Friesen, Newport, RI
February 28 – March 1Calvary Chapel LA Area Pastors & Leaders Conference
March 3-5Southwest Pastors and Leaders Conference, Calvary Tucson, AZ
March 5Midweek Service, Calvary Christian Fellowship, Tucson, AZ
March 17-20Calvary Chapel Ministry Marriage Conference, CA
March 28-30Calvary Chapel South America Pastors & Leaders Conference, Mendoza Argentina
March 31-April 4 Calvary Bible Institute, Sao Vincente, Brazil
April 6Sunday Service, Calvary Chapel Sao Vincente, Brazil
April 13Sunday Services, Cornerstone Calvary – Leesburg VA
May 27-30Conference for Servants and Christian Workers, Siegen, GERMANY
June 10-12Calvary Chapel Philippines Pastors & Leaders Conference, Dumaguete, PHL
June 22-27Family Camp at Forest Home, Forest Falls, CA (Evening Speaker)
July 23-27Calvary Chapel Scandinavia Conference, Läppe, Sweden
August 10Sunday Service, Cornerstone Community Church, Wildomar CA
September 27-28Calvary Chapel Port St. Lucie
October 31-November 1Enduring Word Bible Conference, Calvary Chapel Herborn, GERMANY