heal my soul

Heal My Soul

Many of you have preached and served God, His people, and a needy world over the weekend. Here’s a quick thought that might bless and brighten your Monday.

Look at David’s prayer in Psalm 41:4:

I said, “LORD, be merciful to me;
Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.”

heal my soul

Those who serve God – as you perhaps did over this last weekend – are in special need of God’s mercy. I have always found it interesting that Paul commonly greeted the churches he wrote to with the words “grace” and “peace” (Romans 1:7 and Galatians 1:3 are examples). But when Paul wrote to the pastors and church leaders Timothy and Titus, he added mercy to the greeting of grace and peace (1 Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:2, Titus 1:4). That says that we who serve the Lord need God’s mercy more than most!

It’s a good prayer to prayer after a busy ministry weekend. Even if we work hard and see fruit from our work for the Lord, we are at the same time aware of how weak we are, how big our job is, and how short we fall. It’s always good to pray, “LORD, be merciful to me.”

Yet it is a prayer we pray with great boldness, asking God to “heal my soul.” We know He is the healer of souls, and we know our soul can become hurt and bruised as we open it to serve God’s people and a needy world. I speak to you as a fellow servant of God: if your soul is bruised after a weekend of service, come to God today and pray from Psalm 41: “Heal my soul.” It’s important to do this because wounded souls often wound others. Let God bring healing to your soul today.

Finally, notice David’s great humility: “For I have sinned against You.” As we ask God for mercy and for the healing of our soul, we always need to do it from a place of humility. Just like all those we serve in Jesus’ name, we are sinners who need the work of our great Savior. Maybe you are a pastor, but remember that God’s shepherds are also sheep. Like David, we can confess our sins. David made:

  • A confession without excuse
  • A confession without qualification
  • A confession without superficiality

That kind of humble heart is sure to receive from God what it needs, and we all need His mercy and His soul-healing work. After your busy weekend, receive that today – and expect His goodness and blessing to you this week for Jesus’ sake!

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

Click Here to Receive Email from David for Pastors, Preachers, and Bible Teachers



Not Greedy for Money

Not Greedy for Money

For a bishop must be… not greedy for money. (Titus 1:7)

Paul listed several qualities that Titus should look for as he appointed leaders in the many young churches on the island of Crete. Here at the end of verse 7, another quality is mentioned. A leader among God’s people must not be greedy for money.

Not Greedy for Money

Greed has been the downfall of many Christian leaders. Pastors and other leaders are often warned against the dangers of sexual immorality, pride, and greed. Those three go together for a good reason, and we should never forget the trap of being greedy for money.

It’s not only church leaders who must avoid greed. In 1 Timothy 6:9-10, Paul also wrote this: But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Paul gave a great warning. Significantly, in 1 Timothy 6:9 Paul warned against the “desire to be rich.” That desire for riches is far more dangerous than the riches themselves – and it isn’t only the poor who desire to be rich, it is also the rich who are greedy for more riches.

It’s good to remember that in the Bible, poor does not mean godly and rich means ungodly; nor is it true the other way around. There were many remarkably godly men in the Bible who were almost unbelievably rich, such as Abraham, David, and Solomon.

But the godly rich have the heart like the Psalmist in Psalm 62:10: “If riches increase, do not set your heart on them.”

Those who run after greed are like what Paul wrote about in 1 Timothy 6:9 – they “fall into temptation and a snare.” This desire for riches tempts our heart away from eternal riches and ensnares us in a trap few can escape – always dreaming of riches, and always setting one’s heart on them.

At the end of it all, the desire to be rich can really only be satisfied in Jesus Christ and fulfilled with spiritual riches rather than material ones. Everything else falls short.

Notice one other warning Paul gave in 1 Timothy 6:10. He wrote “some have strayed from the faith in their greediness.” It’s sad to think about but it is true – there are some people who forsake the faith because of their greed. As Paul wrote, they pierce themselves with many sorrows because that is the fate of those who live for the love of money. They are not satisfied. We sometimes want the opportunity to find out if riches can satisfy, but we should trust the Word of God and the experience of many others.

Instead of being greedy for money it would be better for us to be “greedy” in a good sense for godliness and God’s kingdom. God helping us, that is what we will be in Jesus Christ, and those are the kind of leaders we will look for in God’s family.


Click here for David’s commentary on Titus 1

Not violent

Nicht gewalttätig

Denn ein Aufseher muss…nicht gewalttätig sein. (Titus 1,7)

Wenn wir die Beschreibung der Charaktereigenschaften eines Leiters von Paulus lesen, sollten wir uns fragen: Wenn ich keine Leiterschaft habe und auch nicht anstrebe, warum sollte mich diese Liste interessieren? Ich kenne einige Gründe, warum jeder Christ sich diese Liste genau ansehen sollte.

Not violent

  1. Jeder Christ sollte sich diese Liste anschauen, weil sie Gottes Beschreibung von geistlicher Reife und Gottgefälligkeit ist. Vielleicht werden wir nie die Berufung zum Leiter haben, doch jeder Christ sollte in Richtung eines gottgefälligen Leiters wachsen.
  2. Sie hilft uns zu verstehen, was Gott von einem Leiter erwartet, und das sollten wir respektieren und dafür in der Gemeinde beten.
  3. Auf manche Art gibt sie uns eine wunderbare Beschreibung von Jesus während Seines irdischen Lebens. Er erfüllte alle Erwartungen, die Gott an einen Leiter hat.

Die fünfte (oder sechste, je nachdem wie man zählt) Charaktereigenschaft eines Aufsehers ist, dass er nicht gewalttätig sein darf. Das versteht sich eigentlich von selbst, und doch muss es gesagt werden: es gibt keinen Platz für einen Leiter in der Gemeinde, der anderen gegenüber gewalttätig ist.

Er darf nicht gegenüber denen gewalttätig sein, mit denen er zusammen arbeitet, und gegenüber denen, die quasi für ihn arbeiten. Er darf sich keiner Frau aufdrängen. Er darf seiner Frau gegenüber niemals gewalttätig werden, und wenn er seine Kinder bestrafen muss, dann ohne Zorn und auf angemessene Weise.

Normalerweise fallen uns nur zwei Ausnahmen dafür ein. Die erste ist, wenn einer im korrekten Maß und mit der angemessenen Autorität als Soldat oder Polizist Gewalt anwendet. Die zweite ist im Fall von Selbstverteidigung, und auch dann nur auf angemessene Weise.

Doch es gibt noch einen weiteren Punkt, den William Barclay hervorhebt. Er sagte, dass das alte griechische Wort hier nicht nur physische Gewalt bedeutet, sondern auch verbale Gewalt. Es kann sein, dass Paulus hier die verbale Gewalt meinte. Es ist verständlich, dass einer, der den Hang zu physischer Gewalt hat, kein Leiter in der Gemeinde sein kann. Doch wenn jemand andere verbal attackiert wird das schnell übersehen oder entschuldigt, insbesondere wenn er glaubt, das für die Arbeit in der Gemeinde oder für den Dienst zu tun. Aber wenn jemand ständig andere verbal angreift (nicht unbedingt ein gelegentlicher Wutausbruch), sollte er kein Leiter von Gottes Kindern sein.

Denk darüber nach: Jesus war niemals gewalttätig. Er ermahnte auf strenge Art, aber niemals auf sündhafte. Er warf Tische im Tempel um, aber er schlug keine Menschen. Um unsere Schuld zu bezahlen, erlebte Er Gewalt. Wenn du ein Problem damit hast, dass du physisch oder verbal anderen gegenüber gewalttätig bist, erinnere dich daran, dass Jesus Gewalt ertrug, um für diese Sünde zu zahlen, um diese Macht in deinem Leben zu besiegen und um Seine Gnade auf dich kommen zu lassen, damit du dir neue Gewohnheiten aneignen kannst, die Gott gefallen. Jesus ist auch für den gewalttätigen Mann gestorben, damit er zu einem starken und doch sanften Mann werden kann, so wie Gottes Sohn ist.


Not violent

Not Violent

For a bishop must be… not violent. (Titus 1:7)

As we read what the Apostle Paul wrote as a description of the character Titus should look for in leaders among God’s people, it’s good for us to ask: If I’m not a leader among the people of God, and don’t plan on being a leader, why should I care about this list? I can think of a few reasons why every Christian should care about this list.

Not violent

  1. Every Christian should care about this list because it gives God’s description of what spiritual maturity and godliness practically look like. We may never have the calling to leadership, but every Christian should grow towards the character of a godly leader.
  2. It helps us to understand what God expects of the leaders we should respect and pray for in God’s church.
  3. In many ways it gives us a wonderful description of Jesus in His earthly life. He perfectly fulfilled all God’s expectations for leaders.

Here, the fifth quality (or sixth, depending on how one counts) is that the bishop or leader must be not violent. It should go without saying, but it still needs to be said: there is no place for a leader among God’s people who is violent towards others.

He must not be violent towards those he works with, and those who in some sense work for him. He must not be violent in any way that would force himself upon a woman. He must never be violent towards his wife, and if it is appropriate for him to spank his children it must always be done without anger and in proper measure.

Normally, we think of only two exceptions to this for a leader among God’s people. The first is if he does it in correct measure under proper authority, as a solider or an officer of the law. The second is if he does it in self-defense, and then only in proper measure.

Yet there is something else to see here, pointed out by William Barclay. He said that the ancient Greeks understood the meaning of this word to include not only physical violence, but also verbal abuse. It might be that this was Paul’s focus here. Usually we understand that those who have a problem with physical violence are not qualified for church leadership. But it is more common to make excuses or overlook when a man is verbally abusive to others, especially if he thinks he does it for the goal of church work or ministry. But if someone is consistently verbally abusive to others (not necessarily the occasional, rare outburst), they should not be leading God’s people.

Think about it: Jesus was never violent or abusive. He spoke strong words of rebuke, but never in a sinful way. He turned over tables in the temple courts, but never struck another person. To pay our debt of sin, Jesus received violence; He didn’t give it out. If you have a problem with being physically or verbally violent to others, remember that Jesus took violence on Himself to pay for that sin, to defeat its power in your life, and to pour out His grace upon you to help build new habits that please God. Jesus also died to rescue the violent man, and to transform him into a strong yet gentle man, into the image of God’s Son.

Click here for David’s commentary on Titus 1

Not Given to Wine

Nicht der Trunkenheit ergeben

Denn ein Aufseher muss . . . nicht der Trunkenheit ergeben sein. (Titus 1,7)

Paulus hatte Titus gesagt, er solle unter den neuen Gemeinden auf der Insel Kreta nach Leitern suchen, und zwar nach den bestmöglichen. Das Maß für diese Männer lag jedoch nicht in ihren Talenten, ihrem Prestige oder ihrem Charisma. Das Maß für diese Männer, die für die Leiterschaft geeignet waren, lag in ihrem Charakter.

Not Given to Wine

Also zählte Paulus verschiedene Charaktereigenschaften auf, die ein christlicher Leiter haben sollte. Hier in Titus 1,7 wird eine weitere genannt: ein Aufseher muss nicht…der Trunkenheit ergeben sein.

Ein Merkmal für eine geisterfüllte und geistgeführte Person ist die Selbstbeherrschung (Galater 5,23 und 2. Petrus 1,6). Wenn man der Trunkenheit ergeben ist, verliert man unter dem Alkoholeinfluss, oder anderen Drogen, diese Selbstbeherrschung.

In Epheser 5, 18 zeigt Paulus einen Kontrast: und berauscht euch nicht mit Wein, was Ausschweifung ist, sondern werdet voll Geistes. Paulus nannte Trunkenheit Verschwendung (Ausschweifung). Seine Weisheit zeigt sich sowohl geistlich als auch praktisch.

Geistlich gesehen sind Alkoholmissbrauch und Drogenabhängigkeit der Ruin für viele Männer und Frauen. Solche Abhängigkeiten halten viele Menschen davon ab, zu Jesus zu kommen, und sie behindern geistliches Wachstum bei denen, die Jesus vertrauen und doch mit ihrer Sucht kämpfen. Wir sollten auf das hören, was in Sprüche 20,1 und 23,29-33 steht.

Praktisch gesehen bezahlt die Welt einen hohen Preis für die Zerstörung durch Alkohol und Drogen. Im Jahr 2010 sind in den USA 88000 Menschen an den Folgen von Alkoholmissbrauch gestorben, und das exzessive Trinken kostet die Wirtschaft der USA 249 Milliarden Dollar. Ich bin sicher, dass es in vielen anderen Nationen vergleichbar, wenn nicht sogar schlimmer, ist.

In biblischen Zeiten war verdünnter Wein oft gesünder als das verfügbare Wasser (1. Timotheus 5,23). Man kann nicht sagen, dass die Bibel den Genuss von Alkohol verbietet, aber sie verbietet Trunkenheit, exzessives Trinken und das Trinken, das einen schlechten Einfluss auf jene hat, die anfällig für Trunkenheit sind (1. Korinther 8,12-13). Man sollte auch beachten, wie die Kultur um uns herum einen Christen, der etwas trinkt, wahrnimmt – einige Kulturen sind da strenger als andere. Ich persönlich glaube, dass es in der amerikanischen Kultur richtig und verantwortungsvoll ist, auf Alkohol zu verzichten. Doch das ist etwas, das dem Leiter, seinem Gewissen, seiner Berufung und am meisten dem Herrn, dem er dient, überlassen ist.

Was jedoch für jeden christlichen Leiter klar ist was das Trinken angeht, es muss in Maßen und gelegentlich sein und darf niemals soweit gehen, dass er betrunken ist. Wenn das eine Schwäche in deinem Leben ist, setze dein Vertrauen auf Jesus und ruhe in der Tatsache, dass du nicht verdammt bist (Römer 8,1-2). Wenn du Jesus Tag für Tag näher kommst, lass Seine Heiligkeit deinen Hang zu jeglicher Art von giftigen Substanzen ersetzen, und lass dich mit dem Heiligen Geist erfüllen (Epheser 5,18).

is god pleased

Is God Pleased to Bless Your Service?

Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me;
O LORD, make haste to help me! (Psalm 40:31)

Many of you have preached and served God, His people, and a needy world over the weekend. Here’s a quick thought that might bless and brighten your Monday.

is god pleased

Think of how King David prayed in Psalm 40:13:

Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me;
O LORD, make haste to help me!

I love David’s whole prayer here in Psalm 40. He was so honest and open with God about his troubles, his hopes, his gratitude, his surrender, and even his own weakness and sin.

Despite his many iniquities David could and did rely upon the Lord for deliverance. He skillfully phrased the request, not only asking God to deliver him, but asking God to take pleasure in his deliverance. He could ask boldly because he believed it to be consistent with God’s pleasure.

So, David prayed “Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me.” Don’t you love the boldness of his approach to God? We might take this principle and apply it to many of our requests.

Be pleased, O Lord, to forgive me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to correct me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to provide for me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to heal me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to guide me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to bless me.

And after a weekend of ministry, we can pray: Be pleased, O Lord, to bless Your Word I have preached and the service I have offered to You, Your people, and a needy world. I know that my effort really means nothing without your continual grace and blessing upon it. Be pleased to bless it, Lord.

Your service is pleasing to Him; I believe He will be pleased to bless it.


Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

Click Here to Receive Email from David for Pastors, Preachers, and Bible Teachers



prayer bible

The Preacher’s Heart Prays Psalm 33

Our soul waits for the LORD;
He is our help and our shield.
For our heart shall rejoice in Him,
Because we have trusted in His holy name.
Let Your mercy, O LORD, be upon us,
Just as we hope in You.
(Psalm 33:20-22)

prayer bible

I’m writing this on Monday, the day after a Sunday that many of you have preached and served at your local church. I know there are many people from many backgrounds who receive this email, so if you weren’t preaching in a pulpit, leading a class, or other kind of preaching and teaching service on Sunday, just take the principle for when you do serve in that way.

I was reading Psalm 33 and the last few verses stood out to me as suggesting thoughts for our praying after preaching and teaching. As pastors, preachers, and teachers we could pray it line by line:

Our soul waits for the Lord: “Father in heaven, yesterday I labored for You, for Your people, and those yet to be Your people. But I know the success of my work does not first depend on me; it needs Your blessing, Your anointing. So, I wait for You to bless and empower Your word that I spoke yesterday.”

He is our help and our shield: “Lord, You know some of the difficulties I’m going through with people and circumstances. Help me to not trust in myself or defend myself, but to look to You as my help and shield.”

Because we have trusted in His holy name: “It’s true, Lord – I do trust in Your holy name. When I preach Your word, it’s because I trust in You and not in me.”

Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us: “Father, I need Your mercy. No one knows more than me how great are my weaknesses and how many are my failings. Let Your mercy be upon me, but not only me – may it be upon us, upon all those I know and love who are also serving You.”

Just as we hope in You: “Once more I confess it, Father – my hope is in You. My hope is not in my gifts, my effort, my holiness, my blessings. As I put my hope in You, do what You promised to do: to never fail the one who trusts in You.”

This is my prayer for everyone who reads this: “Lord, give them a good and refreshing Monday, and prepare us all to keep serving You, Your people, and a world that is perishing.”

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

Click Here to Receive Email from David for Pastors, Preachers, and Bible Teachers



Not Given to Wine

For a bishop must be… not given to wine. (Titus 1:7)

Paul told Titus to look for leaders for the many new churches on the island of Crete, and he told him to look for the best leaders possible. The measure of the men suited for leadership was not to be found in their talent, their prestige, or their charisma. The measure of the men suited for leadership was found in their character.

god willed not self willed

So, Paul listed several character qualities that should mark the Christian leader. Here in Titus 1:7 another is mentioned: an overseer or bishop must be… not given to wine.

One mark of a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led person is that they have self-control (Galatians 5:23 and 2 Peter 1:6). To be given to wine is to give up some of that self-control unto the power of alcohol or other things that intoxicate (as in the many kinds of drug abuse).

In Ephesians 5:18 Paul made a contrast: be not drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul called drunkenness a big waste (dissipation). Paul’s wisdom has been proven both spiritually and practically.

Spiritually, alcoholism and drug addiction have been the ruin of many a man and woman. The power of those addictions keep many from coming to Jesus at all, and they severely stunt the spiritual growth of those who trust Jesus yet have to battle their addictions. We should listen to what Proverbs tells us about drunkenness in passages such as Proverbs 20:1 and 23:29-33.

Practically, the world pays a high price for the ruin of alcoholism and drug addiction. To speak of alcohol alone, according to the United States Center for Disease Control, in 2010 88,000 people died of alcohol related causes in the USA, and excessive drinking cost the USA economy $249 billion dollars – almost a quarter of a trillion dollars. I’m sure that in many other nations the figures are comparable if not worse.

In Bible times diluted wine was a common drink and it was often healthier than the available water (1 Timothy 5:23). We can’t honestly say that the Bible prohibits the drinking of alcohol, but it does absolutely forbid drunkenness, excessive drinking, and drinking that might be a bad influence on those vulnerable to drunkenness (1 Corinthians 8:12-13). We should also be sensitive to how culture around us perceives the Christian and drinking—some cultures are more restrictive and others more permissive. I personally believe that in American culture, it’s responsible and wise for the Christian leader to abstain from alcohol, but the matter of abstinence from alcohol is something left between the leader, his conscience, his calling, and most of all the Master he serves.

What is plain is that if any Christian leader is to drink, it must be in moderation, occasional, and never to drunkenness. If this is a weakness in your life, put your trust in Jesus and rest in your standing of no condemnation (Romans 8:1-2). As you day by day draw close to Jesus, let His habits of holiness replace being given over to any intoxicating substance, and especially be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

Click here for David’s commentary on Titus 1