What the Bible Teaches – R.A. Torrey

What the Bible Teaches – R.A. Torrey

R.A. Torrey

R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) was an American evangelist and Bible teacher. Born in New Jersey, Torrey was graduate of Yale University and Yale Divinity School, and first a Congregational minister in Ohio. After further education in Germany, he began to serve with D.L. Moody and eventually became the pastor of the Chicago church founded by Moody. Torrey preached all over the world, and founded the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, today BIOLA University.

One of Torrey’s most influential works was What the Bible Teaches. He gave it the subtitle, A Thorough and Comprehensive Study of what the Bible has to Say Concerning the Great Doctrines of which it Treats.

What the Bible Teaches is actually a wonderful, Biblically-centered systematic theology. The main divisions are:

Book I – What the Bible Teaches about God
Book II – What the Bible Teaches about Jesus Christ
Book III – What the Bible Teaches about the Holy Spirit
Book IV – What the Bible Teaches about Man
Book V – What the Bible Teaches about Angels
Book VI – What the Bible Teaches about the Devil, or Satan

In his preface, Torrey wrote: “This book represents year of study. Its contents have been tested again and again in the classroom – in classes composed, in some instances, of representatives of thirty-six denominations. However, it is not supposed for a moment that it exhausts all the Bible has to say on the topics treated.”

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