About David Guzik
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Entries by David Guzik
The Word of Authority
/0 Comments/in For Pastors, Preachers, Bible Teachers/by David GuzikDear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher – I have in mind some special people for this brief word. I think of those who have worked hard to bring something from God’s word to God’s people and to all who will listen. Whether you speak to many or to few, you have a privileged place – […]
True and Certain Promises
/1 Comment/in Weekly Devotional/by David GuzikThen the city wall was broken through…. And the king went by way of the plain. But the army of the Chaldeans pursued the king, and they overtook him in the plains of Jericho. All his army was scattered from him. (2 Kings 25:4-5) As the Bible describes the sad events of the fall of […]
Das Wort und der Wille Gottes
/0 Comments/in Wöchentliche Andacht/by David GuzikZedekia war 21 Jahre alt, als er König wurde, und er regierte 11 Jahre in Jerusalem. Und der Name seiner Mutter war Hamutal; [sie war] die Tochter Jeremias von Libna. Und er tat, was böse war in den Augen des Herrn, ganz wie es Jojakim getan hatte. Denn wegen des Zornes des Herrn kam es […]