Two or Three

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

I hope your weekend was blessed, and if God gave you the opportunity to teach or preach His Word, I hope it was both enjoyable and effective!

Today I want to remind you of some familiar words from Jesus:

For where two or three are
gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.
(Matthew 18:20)

This wonderful, encouraging statement from Jesus comes in the context of speaking about order and even correction among God’s people (Matthew 18:15-18). It’s as if Jesus said, “When God’s people are gathered in community, I am among them, and My presence grants the authority to confront and correct.”

Two or Three

Yet, the distinctive way Jesus said this gives us a lot to think about. Let’s think about the first part of Matthew 18:20: Where two or three are gathered. With these words Jesus here indicated that meetings of His people – indeed, meetings full of power and authority connected to heaven – do not need to be large gatherings. Those gatherings can be of two or three of His followers at a time. 

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Jesus is more present among the many than He is among the few. There is usually a greater sense of excitement and anticipation when more people gather. It’s easy for a small gathering to seem unimpressive. But Jesus doesn’t think so. He says, “Two or three are plenty enough for Me to be there.”

Think of what this means:

• This shows us that large numbers are not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the status of the people is not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the particular place is not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the particular time is not essential for Jesus to be present.
• This shows us that the particular form the meeting should take is not essential for Jesus to be present.

Now, I must say, I would rather reach more people with God’s message than less people. It’s wonderful when God gives us the opportunity to preach or teach the Bible to many people. But remember that Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered.” He doesn’t despise the small meeting, and neither should we. If Jesus graces a small meeting with His presence, then it isn’t a small meeting at all. Nothing is small or insignificant when the King of Kings attends.

If you reach many people with God’s Word, be thankful for it. If you reach few, be thankful for those two or three or however many. Most of all, be thankful that you teach and preach in the presence of Jesus. That’s enough for any of us!

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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