
Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

You made it through another weekend of serving God, His people, and a world that needs Jesus so much! Here’s a brief word from Psalm 52 that might just encourage you today.

Psalm 52 carries a lot of pain. David was outraged when a wicked man massacred innocent priests. Given the burden this psalm bears, it’s wonderful to see this toward the end of Psalm 52:

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. (Psalm 52:8)


Most of us won’t experience the same kind of violent crisis that prompted this psalm, but we have our own burdens and wounds. There are more than a few pains to carry when you give yourself to serve God, His people, and a needy world. No matter what weight you’re under, this is for you to say in the name of the God you serve:

I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God.

The traumatic events David responded to happened at the tabernacle (1 Samuel 21:1-7). Maybe when David was there, he saw a healthy green olive tree that was even more blessed because of where it was planted (in the house of God).

David said, “No matter what I’ve been through, I’m going to be like that green olive tree. I’m going to flourish as I trust in the mercy of God, and God helping me I do so forever and ever.”

All the wicked and those who set themselves against God’s work will one day pass and perish. Be encouraged that by God’s mercies, you can be like the green olive tree in the house of God – flourishing, growing, fruitful, life-giving, vibrant.

Ask God for this mercy today – and walk in it forever and ever.

Blessings to you in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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