A Perfect Way

God is my strength and power,
And He makes my way perfect.

(2 Samuel 22:33)

As I write this, I’m waiting in an airport for my next flight. Travel stories are often boring, because we all share similar experiences of delayed or cancelled flights, driving difficulties, or any other number of problems.

Sitting in an unusually quiet airport on the east coast, waiting for a delayed flight that doesn’t board for another two hours, I thought of how reliable God is. I really don’t doubt that I will make it to my destination tonight, even though it will be later than I thought. I’ve traveled enough and made my way through enough of these problems that I have learned that (with rare exception) these things work out. Stressing out only makes the problem worse.

airport waiting

That makes me wonder why I sometime stress out over what I think God is doing (or not doing). Those of us who serve God in the ministry of His Word – those of us who are pastors, preachers, and Bible teachers – we tend to expect a lot from God. That’s good. Often that expectation is an expression of faith. Like children, we have great confidence in our Heavenly Father.

As we expect great things from God, at the same time, let’s have the same confidence that David sang about in 2 Samuel 22. I love this line from that song:

God is my strength and power,
And He makes my way perfect.

Do you believe that God is your strength and power? If you are trying to be your own strength and power, you need to come back to the confidence that God is your strength and power.

Are you confident that God will make your way perfect? Not only will God get you to your destination, He will guard and perfect the way there.

Whatever stresses you face today, with childlike faith pray the truth of 2 Samuel 22:33 back to the LORD.

  • Receive His strength and power.
  • Rest in the promise, “He makes my way perfect.”

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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