What to Expect Next

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

I hope you had a great “Empty Tomb Day” – we probably won’t experience another one like that in our lifetime!

For so many pastors, preachers, and Bible teachers, they have never reached so many people before on a Resurrection Sunday. Instead of reaching them at a “regular” Easter Sunday service, they have reached out online and in other ways. It’s amazing how this strange season has led to tremendous opportunity.

Here’s a quick thought from Psalm 62:5:

My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
Psalm 62:5

what to expect

In Psalm 62, David beautifully declared his trust in God alone. David spoke to himself (a good thing to do), telling his soul to submit to God. Then, Davide expressed the same thought in a different way: my expectation is from Him.

Dear pastor, preacher, or Bible teacher – this is the heart we need right now. In this season where we really don’t know what to expect next, we need to say, my expectation is from Him.

God has surprised us thus far, and there may be many more surprises to come. But when our expectation is from Him, we will never be disappointed.

Here’s a great prayer: “Lord, I often don’t know what to expect. Today I surrender all my expectations to You, and I agree with what David said in Psalm 62:5: my expectation is from You. I believe that what You have for me is better than whatever I could expect apart from You.”

That’s a great expectation.

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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1 reply
  1. Tara Rosenbloom
    Tara Rosenbloom says:

    Dear Brother David,
    I was so happy to find your commentary today when studying a difficult Bible passage (Hebrews 6). I then listened to your Q&A and heard you had an audio teaching on the Book of Revelation! God’s timing is so amazing, I have wanted to study Revelation, but after being confused by some in the word of faith movement a few years ago, I stopped listening to everybody! I even threw away books from teachers that may have been reliable, but didn’t know really who to trust to further study the Bible with. I have repented from listening to those confusing teachers and God has grown my reliance on Him and His leading. I do not believe it was an accident to hear you have an audio study on Revelation and this is what was my desire for some time to study. I just wanted to say thank you and God bless you and this ministry. Interestingly there is a documentary out now on the word of faith movement called American Gospel and if you have any comments on this subject, I would love to hear them. I do not want Christians to dismiss true manifestations of the Holy Spirit (when God intervenes supernaturally or in answer to prayers for example) just because some pervert the meaning of Scripture to cause us to think we should never be sick, broke or humble. They want us to depend on ourselves rather than be lovingly trusting and depending on the Lord for everything! I hope many confused sheep will know the TRUTH and be set free!


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