What Makes One Great?

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

This Monday morning, it is an honor to write to you – a great one!

If you don’t think of yourself as great, think again and read Psalm 18:35:

You have also given me the shield of Your salvation;
Your right hand has held me up,
Your gentleness has made me great.
(Psalm 18:35)

David was the human author of the great Psalm 18, but the Holy Spirit so inspired and guided him that his words spoke not only of David himself, but of believers in general, and especially of Jesus Christ, David’s greater Son.

What Makes One Great

In an ultimate sense Jesus is One who received the shield of God’s salvation. He is the ultimate One held up by God’s right hand. Jesus is the greatest of all, and in a wonderful sense it was the Father’s gentleness that made Jesus great.

Though this was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus, in a lesser sense it was true of David the Psalmist, and also true of us. We can say that the gentleness of God makes every believer great also, more than they often consider.

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their royal birth; who has a greater claim to royal birth than the son or daughter of the King of Kings?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their election; what greater election is there than to be the elect of God?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their wealth; who has greater riches than the children and heirs of the God who owns all?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their victories; who has achieved greater victory than the one who is in unity with Jesus Christ, the greatest champion of all?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their influence; who has greater influence than the child of God who can move the hand of God with his faithful and righteous prayers?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their discoveries; who has discovered anything greater than the nature of the infinite and eternal God?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their history; who has a greater heritage than a member of the body of Christ as it spans through the ages and generations?

– In this world, some people are thought to be great because of their destiny; who has a more glorious and amazing destiny than the heirs of His glory, those who are His own inheritance?

I don’t know how your weekend of ministry was – but take comfort in the fact that God’s gentleness has made you great.

Blessings to you, great one, 

In Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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