10 Preacher Resolutions for a New Year

God helping me, I hope to:

First, Stop trusting in my vows and resolutions and put my focus on Jesus Himself.

new year resolutions

  1. More and more let God’s word tell its own story. I won’t try to make sermons; I will present the message the Bible itself gives.
  2. Put more prayer into my preaching preparation.
  3. Pray more after the sermon is preached.
  4. Preach with more clarity and simplicity.
  5. Not allow any sermon to be longer than it really needs to be.
  6. Preach with more of a broken heart to the brokenhearted.
  7. Be more persuasive in my preaching; instead of just getting “amens” from those who already agree, I want to preach so as to persuade those who don’t fully agree yet.
  8. Put away the fear of man and performance anxiety, enjoying the work of preaching more than before.

Finally, Stop trusting in my vows and resolutions and put my focus on Jesus Himself.

How about you? As a pastor, preacher, or Bible teacher – what’s on your mind as you start a new year?

Blessings to You in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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