Pastor, Can You Help Us?

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

Many of you have shared with me how much you’ve been helped by using the Enduring Word commentary in your preaching and teaching ministry, and I wanted to take a moment and share how grateful I am for your encouragement.

I am also excited to share with you that the Enduring Word team has now completed translations of my New Testament commentary in the Arabic and Chinese (Simplified) languages, and the entire Bible commentary in Spanish.

I recently read that 95% of the world’s Christian pastors have no formal Bible training. Our heart at Enduring Word is to provide these leaders with the Enduring Word Bible commentary for free wherever the Lord opens the doors, particularly with leaders of the underground church – and, we want to ask for your help.

Can you help us connect with your missionary and Christian leader friends who teach in these languages worldwide so we can share the commentaries with them in their native tongue?

We are open to file sharing in any format that will help get the commentaries out in these languages. Any contact with these pastors, Christian workers, and ministries will be with absolute discretion to protect their safety and well-being. Accordingly, please contact Deven Berryhill at Enduring Word per the contact information given below, who is overseeing the global implementation. 

Thank you once again for your fellow service in the Gospel. As the Apostle Paul said many years ago to his ministry friends and colleagues: 

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.  2 Corinthians 9:12

With gratitude and appreciation,



Here is Deven’s Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +1 949-244-4407


Instagram: @devenberryhill


Deven Contact Info



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