Roots – Basics For The Christian Life

A series by Pastor David Guzik

Everyone needs to be trained in and reminded of the basics – the things that matter most in our walk with Jesus. Just as every building needs a foundation, so every individual Christian life needs to build firmly on the foundation of what we call the basics of the Christian life.

The Importance of the Basics of the Christian Life

In this brief series, David Guzik goes over five important areas of the life of a disciple, beginning with the concept of discipleship. Then four additional areas are examined: the Bible, prayer, worship, and community (or fellowship).

These basics of the Christian life are things we never grow beyond. Some people think that a believer can grow to a level where these things aren’t so important. That really isn’t true. Our ongoing growth as followers of Jesus depends on ability to continue in and expand upon these critical foundations. We never get to the point where the concept of discipleship isn’t important. We never get to the place where reading and understanding the Bible no longer matters. Prayer and worship remain important parts of our ongoing walk with God. Since God calls us together as a family, community will always be something important for those who are believers.

An Essential Starting Thought: Rooted in Jesus

Though these five basics of the Christian life are all important, it is critical to understand that we are really rooted in Jesus. The whole point of our discipleship, Bible reading, prayer, worship, and community is to draw us closer to Jesus in each of these ways. It is possible for someone to pursue one of these areas with such focus that they lose sight of Jesus Himself. This is a significant danger that needs to be guarded against.

So, to be properly rooted in discipleship is to be rooted in Jesus. To be properly rooted in the Bible is to be rooted in Jesus. To be properly rooted in prayer, worship, or community is to be rooted in Jesus. We never leave Jesus behind in any of these things.